Our merger with Vision Super

In January 2025, all current Active Super members were sent an appropriate Significant Event Notice (SEN) about the merger with Vision Super. The SENs were also made available on the Active Super website. 

The information was specific to each member and the type of account they will transfer to with Vision Super, so it’s important you read the SEN that relates to you*.

Where to find a copy of your SEN

Up until 5pm on 17 February (or 5pm on 24 February for Accumulation Scheme members), please log into Member Online to find the actual SEN that was sent to you 

After 5pm on 17 February (or 5pm on 24 February for Accumulation Scheme members) you can: 

  • Ask Member Care (contact details below) for a copy, or  

  • Refer to the ‘Which SEN do I read?’ table below to find the relevant SEN  

Remember, if you have any problems, please contact Member Care on 1300 547 873We’re here to help. 

Which SEN do I read?

Your current Active Super account Your Significant Event Notice

Account-Based Pension
(including Transition to Retirement)

Read SEN D

Defined Benefit Scheme

Read SEN E (Please note, if you received this SEN by post, the chart on page 3, 'Vision Super pension payment dates after SFT', has been amended to include 21 May 2025. )

Retirement Scheme

Read SEN F (Please note, if you received this SEN by post, the chart on page 3, 'Vision Super pension payment dates after SFT', has been amended to include 21 May 2025. )

Accumulation Scheme

The product that you (and any Active Super members in your household) will be transferred to and the corresponding SEN, will depend on the details of your account.

Please use the SEN selection tool below to see the SEN that may apply to you.


Accumulation Scheme SEN selection tool

Please answer the questions below to see the SEN that applies to each scenario. Refresh the page to start again.

Do you currently work for any of the following employers or have you worked for them in the past? (Yes/No)

A currently operating NSW council (see list)
NSW Rural Fire Service
LGSS Pty Ltd
Local Government NSW
United Services Union
Penrith Whitewater
Kimbriki Environmental Enterprises
Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre
Local Government Procurement
Southern Sydney Reg Organisation of Councils
Holdsworth Community
Penrith Performing & Visual Arts
Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation
StateCover Mutual Limited
(Wsroc)Western Syd Regional Org Of Councils
Newcastle Airport Limited
Civic Risk Mutual
Canberra Region Joint Organisation
Mid North Coast Joint Organisation
Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation
Far North West Joint Organisation

The following merger SEN/s may apply to your scenario.