Active Super Saver

We're wholly committed to striving for strong financial returns for members.  

For the Active Super Saver Lifestage Product and other Active Super investment options (as part of Vision Super):

  • the first unit prices will be struck until around 7 March 2025 (this is due to a limited services period).
  • investment returns will commence to be published on or around 1 April 2025 (after one full month of data is available)
  • portfolio holdings information will be published after the quarter ending 30 June 2025 (within 90 days).

Below you will find the performance of Active Super Saver investment options. If you haven’t made an investment choice, your money is invested in the Active Super Lifestage Product. Find out more about the ways you can invest with Active Super Saver.

Investment returns

Please note: From 1 March 2025, the Active Super range of products will form part of Vision Super.  For the historical performance of Active Super products prior to this date, Active Super members transferred to Vision Super should refer to their previous annual statements.

Important notes

Returns are shown net of tax on investment earnings and net of all investment fees and costs, and transaction costs. For further information on the fees and costs paid from assets (and therefore from returns) please see the applicable PDS.

Investors should be aware that returns may go up and down, so past returns are no guarantee of future performance.

Unit prices

Unit prices are shown net of tax on investment earnings, net of the reserving margin, and all investment fees and costs, and transaction costs.

Unit prices are usually set each Victorian business day and are published the following business day about 8.30pm. 

What are unit prices?

Unit prices are dollar values that reflect the value of each unit of your investment at any time. They are similar in concept to share prices, in that their value can go up or down each day reflecting the changes in the value of the assets you have chosen to invest in.

Unit prices are calculated as at the end of each Victorian business day and are usually published the following business day at about 8.30pm.  Unit prices for each Victorian business day are based on the most recently available information for that day, including market close prices for the domestic market and all applicable international markets.

Buy-sell spreads are currently nil for all Vision Super investment options.

This is based on the current level and pattern of member transactions and the current level of transaction costs incurred by our Investment managers. Currently, transactions costs are reflected in all unit price calculations and are not recovered, partly or wholly, through the application of buy-sell spreads when units are bought and sold. If circumstances change, Vision Super may apply buy-sell spreads to ensure transaction costs that result from member transactions are recovered fairly and equitably from relevant members engaging in the member transaction

Looking for information on Vision Super products? 

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