investing in your 50s and still working

Our 50s are an exciting life stage, but with retirement not far away it’s important to nurture your super.

Building your super

As a 50-something, retirement may be just around the corner. Or you may want to keep working for as long as possible. Remember though, life doesn’t always go according to plan, and a change in circumstances could see you retiring earlier than expected. 

This highlights the need to grow your super today. 

A simple way to add to your super is through salary sacrifice, where part of your before-tax wage is paid to your super rather than receiving the money as cash in hand.

Or, you might prefer to make a personal super contribution, which you may be able to claim on tax. 

Tax deductible personal contributions are limited to $30,000. This total includes your employer’s compulsory super contributions. You can’t claim a tax deduction for superannuation contributions paid by your employer directly to your super fund, only for personal super contributions that you make to your super fund. So, if your boss contributes $20,000 to your super, your personal contributions, on which you may be able to claim a tax deduction is limited to $10,000 in a financial year.

If you don’t make the full $30,000 contributions in a single year, you can carry forward unused contributions for up to five years as long as your super savings are below $500,0001.

Budget to find extra contributions

By the time we are in our 50s, many of life’s major expenses can be behind us, such as a mortgage or raising a young family. Using a budget helps you make the most of your money – and find spare cash for extra super contributions.