your investment options

While many super funds dictate the way your money is invested, Active Super gives you a choice.

High Growth (Accelerator) Defined Benefit Strategy Growth Balanced (Accumulator)
Objective 3.5% net return p.a. above CPI over a rolling 10-year period 6.0% investment return p.a. to be achieved over 10-years 3.0% net return p.a. above CPI over a rolling 10-year period 3.0% net return p.a. above CPI over a rolling 10-year period
Suggested Investment timeframe 10 years 10 years 7 years 7 years
Risk Profile High As this is a defined benefit scheme any downside risk is effectively underwritten by the Employers. Medium to High Medium to High
Availability Excludes the Defined Benefit Scheme Only Defined Benefit Scheme Only Retirement Scheme Excludes the Defined Benefit Scheme
Summary For high investment growth above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate over the longer term. For real investment growth over the medium to long-term. For real investment growth above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the medium to long-term. For real investment growth above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the medium to long-term.
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Conservative Balanced (Appreciator) Conservative Managed Cash
Objective 2.0% net return p.a. above CPI over a rolling 10-year period 1.5% net return p.a. above CPI over a rolling 10-year period To outperform the Bloomberg Ausbond Bank Bill Index net after tax
Suggested Investment timeframe 7 years 5 years 3 years
Risk Profile Medium to High Low to Medium Very Low
Availability Excludes the Defined Benefit Scheme Excludes the Defined Benefit Scheme Excludes the Defined Benefit Scheme
Summary For real investment growth above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the medium term. For shorter term investing with good security and some potential for growth. For investors who want exposure to investments in money market securities with a very low risk of capital loss.
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