If you prefer a more hands-on approach, our Choice investment options allow you to choose your own investment mix.

With Active Super Choice, you get to select from a range of investment options, depending on how much risk (and potential growth) you want to be exposed to – and for how long. The decision will depend on your individual circumstances.

Check out our Member Outcomes Dashboard to see how our choice options promote the financial interests of our members.

Move the slider below to learn more about each investment option.



High Growth

Invests a very high proportion of funds in growth assets, such as shares and property and may be suitable for members seeking high investment growth over the longer term.

10 year Return


Risk Profile


Suggested Timeframe

10 years

*Average return over 10 years to end Jul 22. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. This option aims to earn 3.5% above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate over a 10-year period. CPI measures purchasing power on commonly purchased goods and services like food, clothing, housing and transportation.**Based on an estimate of 4.7 negative annual returns in any 20- year period.


Selecting investment options is easy and it’s free

Simply log into Member Online or call Member Care and we can talk you through the process. You can also switch investment options at any time. However, we recommend that you talk to a financial adviser before making any changes to your super investments.

prefer to sit back and leave it to us?

If you prefer to let our team do the hard work for you, you can opt for our MySuper product, Active Super Lifestage Product.

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Investment performance and unit pricing

We're wholly committed to striving for strong financial returns for members

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Life events

No matter what stage of life you are at, your super will be with you along the way. Be sure to make the most of it at every stage.

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Why us

Looking for a top performing super fund* that offers a range member-only deals and discounts? Say hello to Active Super!

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Disclaimer and Assumptions

Below is a short explanation of some of the terms used on this page. 

Objective: The investment results the fund aims to achieve over a set timeframe.

Asset class: A category of financial assets. The major classes are shares, property, fixed interest and cash, which in turn can be broken down to include Australian or international shares, Australian and international fixed interest and direct and indirect property. All asset classes have different risk and return characteristics.


Australian Equities: Investments in shares of companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Offers potential for capital growth and also generates income in the form of dividends.

International Equities: Investments in shares of companies listed on different stock exchanges around the world. Offers potential for capital growth and also generates income in the form of dividends.

Australian Direct Property: Direct investments in Australian office buildings, shopping centres, industrial facilities and wholesale property funds. Unlisted direct property has a stable return and low correlation to more traditional asset classes.

International Listed Property: Provides diversification through shares in professionally managed real estate investment trusts (REIT’s) across developed countries. Includes investments in traditional real estate sectors as well as alternative asset classes like self-storage, healthcare and datacenters.

Private Equity: Investments in private companies (companies that are not publicly listed). Income is received from the profits made by these companies via their investments.

Private Credit: Privately negotiated loans and debt-financing from non-bank lenders. Also known as ‘direct lending’ or ‘private lending’. Income is received from the interest charged.

Growth Alternatives: Investments that sit outside of, and behave differently from, traditional asset classes, e.g. hedge funds, managed futures, derivatives contracts, commodities.

Short-Term Fixed interest: Investments that pay out a set level of cash flow to investors, typically in the form of a fixed interest or dividends.

Bonds: Fixed-income instruments that represent a loan made by an investor to a borrower, typically a government or a corporation. A defensive asset, bonds are less risky than growth assets like shares and property.

Infrastructure: Investments in physical assets and related operations that provide businesses and society with essential services e.g. roads, airports, transport and utilities.

Managed Cash: A traditionally conservative investment class that provides steady returns. Value fluctuates with interest rates. Returns tend to be the lowest of all asset classes over time.


International Equities Passive: A return guaranteed termed product provided by Challenger and benchmarked against MSCI ACWI ex Australia 40% hedged to AUD.

Pendal Smaller Companies Trust: An actively managed portfolio by Pendal investing in companies outside the top 100 listed on the ASX.

JPM Liquidity: A liquidity product managed by JPM, funds held in this product can be redeemed same day.