retire with US

Most of us are living longer and working for longer too. Whether you’re after a slow transition or a ‘gone fishing’ approach, We can help with a range of products to help you retire on your terms. 

Active Super is part of Vision Super, one of the country’s oldest super funds and our range of retirement products and services are brought to you by Vision Super. You can learn more at

When can I access my super? 

Conditions of release explained

There are a number of ways that you can legally access your superannuation under Australian law – these are called conditions of release. Conditions of release include:

You have reached age 65*

On or after reaching age 60* you have stopped gainful employment with an employer that has contributed to the fund for you

You have retired permanently from gainful employment and have reached your preservation age* (see the table below)

You die or become totally and permanently incapacitated (as defined in the legislation)

You have a preserved benefit of less than $200* and you cease employment or are an eligible temporary resident departing permanently from Australia

You have a terminal medical condition (as defined in the legislation)

You can apply to the ATO for a compassionate grounds release. Go here to find out how to apply to the ATO *

You’re accessing the First Home Super Saver scheme.

Please note: From 1 March 2025, the Active Super range of products will form part of Vision Super.  


Based in Melbourne, Vision Super is a profit-to-member fund that was founded in 1947 for Victorian local government and authorities workers. It has been open to the public since 2006. 

transition to retirement

Not ready to give up work completely? A transition to retirement strategy can help you take a gradual and tax-effective approach, or supplement your income if your hours are reduced. 

Find out at


So you’re ready to retire and set up an income stream from your super? This option gives you access to a choice of investments with zero tax on earnings. Plus, you can withdraw your money at any time. 

Find out at


The right advice can make all the difference to your life after work.