September 2022

Active Super’s website has received a prestigious Good Design Award Winner Accolade in the Digital Design category in recognition for its outstanding design and innovation.

Projects recognised with an Australian Good Design Award demonstrate excellence in professional design and highlight the impact a design-led approach has on business success and social and environmental outcomes. 

Chantal Walker, Active Super Chief Member Experience and Growth Officer, said: “We took a different approach to our website by using human-centred design principles. Along with our website agency partner, Deepend, we focussed on designing a site based on what members need to know and where they are in their super life stage.”

The Good Design Awards Jury said: “A complex task to make superannuation interesting, engaging and meaningful for a younger audience but this work has demonstrated not only is it possible, but investing in digital design is essential to ensure the ongoing viability of your business to attract a digital native audience. The personalised experiences and pathways to suite different user types and understanding of how this audience demands transparency on ethical investment and impact to the environment. An industry leading example of the importance of digital design for financial services.”

The Australian Good Design Awards is the country’s oldest and most prestigious international awards for design and innovation, dating back to 1958. 

Each year, the Awards celebrate the best new products and services on the Australian and international market, excellence in architectural design, engineering, fashion, digital and communication design, and reward new and emerging areas of design including design strategy, social impact design, design research and up-and-coming design talent in the next-gen category.

At Active Super, we pride ourselves on transparency


Ever wanted to see where and how your super is invested? Now you can with Active Super’s interactive tool, called Super View, that brings your super investments to life.

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Super in retirement

Super in retirement

Reaching retirement age does not mark the end of the road for superannuation. In fact, it opens a new world of opportunities. Without the security of a regular salary, it is vital to understand how super can provide a financial safety net during retirement years. 

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Active Super remains committed to Hunter,  Central Coast regions with new Newcastle office

Newcastle office move

Same great work, just a bright new location. You can visit us at ‘Konara’, 15 Lambton Road, Broadmeadow. 

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Active Super Booster

Active Super Booster

Jolly good news! Over 500 retailers have teamed up with Active Super Booster, giving our members more ways than ever to boost their super. 

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