spouse contributions

Did you know that your spouse can top up your retirement savings and receive a tax offset for themselves? 

What is a spouse contribution?  

A spouse contribution involves your spouse making a direct contribution into your super account. Spouse contributions are a type of non-concessional contribution (NCC) and count towards the receiving spouse’s NCC cap of $120,000 each financial year. Contributions for a spouse under the age of 75 can be brought forward to a limit of $360,000 over three financial years.  

What’s in it for me?  

Money is added to your super account which helps to boost your super and set you on your way to living your best life.  

What’s in it for my spouse?  

Your spouse may receive a tax offset of up to $540, depending on 

  • If you earn less than $37,000, your spouse may receive an 18% tax offset for contributions up to $3,000. 
  • If you earn between $37,000 and $40,000, your spouse may receive a partial tax offset if the contribution is under $3,000. 

Are you eligible?

Your spouse could be eligible for the tax offset if:

  • Your income is below $40,000 p.a., including all assessable income and reportable fringe benefits.
  • You’re both Australian residents.
  • You are under the age of 75.
  • Your spouse contributes to your super on your behalf using their after-tax income, which they haven’t claimed as a tax deduction.
  • Your total superannuation balance was less than $1.9 million as at 30 June the previous financial year.
  • You have not exceeded the non-concessional contribution cap for the current financial year.

Refer to our fact sheet for more information on spouse contribution eligibility.

How do I make this happen?  

1. Log into Member Online. 

2. Select the 'Make a contribution' button to view your personal details for BPAY or EFT.  

3. Get your spouse to make a personal contribution from their after-tax money into your account using the ‘Spouse and Child Contributions’ BPAY details. Your spouse will be able to claim the tax offset when they complete their tax return.