For Active Super Saver members
Simply apply via Member Online or the Active Super mobile app. Alternatively, you can complete and return the Application for life event cover form. If we need any further information, we’ll get in touch in writing. But otherwise, you could have increased cover within days of providing your completed form.
No medical. No complicated underwriting processes. Just more protection, with less red tape.
If any of these sound like you and you believe you need increased cover. Simply apply via Member Online or the Active Super mobile app. Alternatively, you can complete and return the Application for life event cover form within 60 days of the life event occurring.
- You take out a new mortgage on your primary residence
- You adopt a child or become a parent
- You get married or divorced
- You start of end a de facto relationship
- Your spouse or de facto partner dies
- You have a child who attends primary or secondary school for the first time, or
- You first become eligible for Carer Allowance payable by Centrelink.
- You’ll need to be under 60 years old at the time of your application
- You cannot have applied for a life event increase in the previous 12 months
- You must provide evidence the life event took place as outlined in Application for life event cover form
- You need to submit the Application for life event cover form within 60 days of the event.
We might ask you to provide further information, but if so, we’ll get in touch in writing. For full details, please refer to the Insurance in your super fact sheet which forms part of your Product Disclosure Statement.
Remember, there are limits on how much you can extend your insurance cover.