getting a new job

You’re not alone when you start a new job – your super should go with you.

Taking your super fund with you when you change jobs helps you stay connected with your money throughout your working life. It’s a simple way to prevent your super savings joining the pool of lost and unclaimed super. So, let your new boss know the details of the fund you’d like your super contributions paid into.  

Tidy up your super 

Changing jobs can be a cue to tidy up your super if you have more than one fund. Consolidating multiple balances can help you save on fees and prevent doubling up on insurance premiums.  

Active Super makes it easy to track down any super accounts you may have overlooked. Just log into Member Online and click the 'Consolidate your super' tab to begin your search. Alternatively, log into ATO online services via myGov to find any forgotten super balances. 

Please note that before you consolidate, you should ask your super provider for information about any fees or charges that may apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on your benefits, such as insurance cover, before making a decision.

Just like your phone,
we’re mobile too

If there’s change on the horizon, like a new job or even retirement, you can take Active Super with you.

Find out how

Consider ways to grow your super 

If a new job brings a pay rise, you may want to increase your super balance. Learn more about salary sacrifice and ask your employer about making salary sacrifice contributions. 

Please note that salary sacrifice contributions count towards the concessional contribution cap and penalties apply if its exceeded. You should also take into consideration the fact that you can’t access your super until you meet a condition of release. 

If your annual income is below $60,400 annually, you may be eligible for a government co-contribution – up to $500 annually, when you add to super from after-tax money. 

make the most of your super

Get active with your super. Member Online gives you access to your Active Super account whenever you need it.